
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

On November 26, my parents celebrated 38 years of marriage. I think that this is an outstanding feat! Especially since I am approaching my own twelve-year anniversary. I now know how much hard work goes into a marriage. But enough about me, I want to share some things about my Mom and Dad, Julie and Mike, respectively.

Mike met Julie in Lexington,KY. Mom was 19 and in the Air Force, and Dad had just gotten out of the Navy. Mom was stationed in Shriveport,LA, where my dad drove as often as possible to visit. Anyway, they fell in love and married in 1969.

What I love about my parents is that their relationship has never been about appearances. They are who they are, and they absolutely adore each other. It doesn't matter if they're driving one another crazy...they always stick up for one another. They also know how to laugh with each other. Nothing makes me laugh harder than to see them laughing. They were always a couple, too. I have two younger brothers and, as hard as we tried, we could not divide and conquer when it came to our parental unit.

So today I want to say, "Way to go Mom and Dad. You always made it look easy. You made it look fun enough that I want the same longevity in my marriage. Thank you for blessing us with a strong upbringing! I love you guys!"


  1. Happy Anniversary Julie and MIke! We miss you.

  2. Thanks Kara, We have have had 38 years of adventures accented by lots of dancing. Parenting has been a priviledge. The most rewarding of all careers we have undertaken. We now eat lunch together, grow plants, and fuss over fungicides and fertilizers. And look after our big boy. It is good to have history with another person and share the same old songs. We plan to dance together many more years. mom
