
Tuesday, October 9, 2007


So it's finally feeling like fall here. This makes me so happy. I love the smell of the air, I love the way that I feel like moving around outside. If I were the kind of person who ran, which I'm not, I think that this would be the kind of weather I would want to run in.

I do, however, love to go on walks. Taking my three children for meandering walks picking up acorns, sticks, and the best leaves we can find is one of my favorite autumnal activities. Everything just seems to slow down about right now. We walk and see who can make the most noise in the leaves. We rake up leaves and roll around in them. We have fires and roast marshmallows (and anything else the hubby and kids can find to throw in the flames).

This is the time of year when I remember to enjoy these precious gifts. I take naps and don't feel guilty. I read as many books as possible. I sit outside listening to the high school band practicing. I remember to fall in love with my hubby.

I guess it's the changing leaves that remind me that none of this is permanent so I'd better enjoy it. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to be having the cooler weather, too. I look forward to when Ashlyn can walk and we can do the woods thing.

    Or I could get a hip sling and carry her, I guess...but money's tight.
